Katherine & John

Are Getting Married

12 December 2015

He Proposed

On our last visit to the Lake District, at the top of High Street, John got down on one knee, and asked me to marry him. It came as a surprise, but of course I said yes.

To celebrate, we had prosecco in a blue plastic tea cup and admired the view, whilst John breathed a sigh of relief.

She Said Yes!

The Wedding Day


We’re excited that you will be joining us on our wedding day.

The wedding will take place at 2:00pm on 12th December 2015 at St Giles House Hotel:

41-45 Saint Giles Street


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Katherine on katherine.fletcher@hotmail.com.

Don’t forget to let us know you are coming at RSVP.

Wedding Gifts

Your coming along to celebrate with us is all we ask.

However if you would like to buy a wedding gift, any contributions to our honeymoon in Burma would be hugely appreciated.

To make a contribution towards our honeymoon, please go to Trailfinders Gift List Contribution and enter the surname Fletcher or Yakimov and reference number 5BE9EB.